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Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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## History of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires has a rich history dating back to 1878, when it was founded as **Monte de Piedad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires**. Inspired by the Montepíos of 14th century Europe, the initial objective was to combat usury in the city, especially among the growing wave of immigrants arriving in Argentina. The institution offered loans with below-market interest rates in exchange for seized goods.

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In 1880, with the federalization of Buenos Aires, the bank came under the jurisdiction of the Federal Capital. In 1904, Law 4531 renamed the institution **Banco Municipal de Préstamos y Caja de Ahorros**, consolidating its role in promoting savings and accessible credit.

In 1972, the bank received its current name, **Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires**, and expanded its operations beyond the federal capital, opening branches in the province of Buenos Aires.

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Throughout its history, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires has established itself as an important player in the Argentine financial system, committed to the country’s social and economic development. Among his main achievements are:

* Offer accessible financial products and services to individuals and legal entities, with a focus on micro, small and medium-sized companies.
* Support the development of infrastructure and social impact projects in the city and province of Buenos Aires.
* Promote financial inclusion and financial education of the population.
* Preserve Argentina’s cultural and historical heritage.

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Today, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires is a modern and innovative bank, with more than 300 branches across the country and a robust digital presence. The institution stands out for its social responsibility and commitment to sustainability, in addition to offering differentiated and personalized service to its customers.


Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires

**Some important historical landmarks:**

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* **1878:** Foundation of Monte de Piedad de la Province of Buenos Aires.
* **1880:** Transfer to the jurisdiction of the Federal Capital.
* **1904:** Adoption of the name Banco Municipal de Préstamos y Caja de Ahorros.
* **1968:** Moving to the current headquarters at Sarmiento and Florida Streets.
* **1972:** Adoption of the name Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires and expansion to the province of Buenos Aires.
* **2003:** Creation of the Banco Ciudad Foundation.
* **2010:** Launch of online banking and mobile banking.
* **2016:** Adherence to the UN Principles for Banking Sustainability.

**To learn more about the history of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires:**

* Access the bank’s website:

* Read the book “Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires: 135 años de historia” (available in Spanish).

**If you have any specific questions about the history of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, please feel free to ask.**

## Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires Museum

Although Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires has a historical museum in its main headquarters at 1426 Lavalle Street, called **Banco Ciudad Historical Museum “Monte de Piedad”**, it is important to clarify that this museum is not a traditional art museum.

The Banco Ciudad Historical Museum “Monte de Piedad” focuses on the history of the bank itself and its relationship with the city of Buenos Aires. The exhibition presents objects, documents, photographs and videos that portray the evolution of the institution since its foundation in 1878 to the present day.

**Information about the Museum:**

* **Address:** Rua Lavalle 1426, C1048 Cdad. Autonomous Region of Buenos Aires, Argentina
* **Opening hours:** Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
* **Telephone:** +54 800-222-0400
* **Free entrance
**The Banco Ciudad Historical Museum “Monte de Piedad” is worth visiting if you:**

* Interested in the history of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires and its role in the city.
* Want to learn more about the history of immigration in Buenos Aires.
* Appreciates museums focusing on social and economic history.

**If you are looking for a traditional art museum with paintings, sculptures and other works of art, the Banco Ciudad Historical Museum “Monte de Piedad” may not be the best option.**

However, if you are interested in local history and the role of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires in the community, the museum offers a unique and informative experience.

**Other art museum options in Buenos Aires:**

* **Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes:** One of the most important art museums in Latin America, with a vast collection of Argentine and international art.
* **Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires:** Dedicated to modern and contemporary art, with works by Argentine and international artists.
* **Museo Fortabat:** It houses a collection of impressionist, post-impressionist and modern art, as well as temporary exhibitions.
* **Museo Larreta:** Located in a historic palace, the museum features a collection of decorative art and European furniture.

**I hope this information is helpful!**